If You Have One of These 7 Signs, You Might Need a Root Canal

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  • If You Have One of These 7 Signs, You Might Need a Root Canal

Root canals are two words that can make anyone shiver. The mere concept of this dental procedure usually induces anxiety and panic. However, despite its frightening reputation, a root canal is a routine and virtually painless treatment that can save your natural tooth and relieve you of severe pain.

Endodontic therapy, also referred to as root canal therapy, is a dental treatment performed by a skilled dentist near you that entails extracting the tooth’s damaged or infected pulp and then cleaning, disinfecting, and sealing it to prevent further infection.

How do you determine if you might need a root canal? The following are seven signs that you should never ignore.

  1. Persistent Toothache

A severe and persistent toothache is one of the most prevalent indicators that you might need a root canal. Eating and sleeping are made difficult by this pain, which can often be throbbing and excruciating. It often means that there is an infection or inflammation in the pulp, which is the inside part of your tooth. In addition to relieving discomfort, a root canal can remove diseased tissue.

  1. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

If you suffer severe, intense discomfort when eating or drinking hot or cold meals, this could be an indication of pulp inflammation. Teeth are normally sensitive to temperature changes, but if the sensitivity becomes unbearable and lasts for an extended period of time, it may be time to visit your dentist about a potential root canal.

  1. Swollen Gums

Swelling around the impacted tooth is another sign that something is not right. A dental abscess can cause pain, swelling, or a lesion on the gums that looks like a pimple. This is a sign of infection, and to treat and prevent the infection from spreading, you might need a root canal.

  1. Discolored Tooth

A discolored tooth, usually turning grey or dark yellow, can signify a nerve injury or infection. Consult your dentist if you notice a sudden change in the color of your teeth. To address the underlying condition, a root canal may be required.

  1. Prolonged Pain After Dental Procedures

Some dental procedures can cause temporary discomfort, but if you feel extended pain after a filling, crown placement, or other dental work, it could be a sign that the nerve of the tooth has been damaged. To cure the problem and offer relief, a root canal near you may be recommended.

  1. Painful Biting and Chewing

When you feel discomfort while biting or chewing, it could be an indication of a broken or infected tooth. This discomfort is often limited to a single tooth and can be a strong cause to explore a root canal as a treatment option.

  1. Cracked or Damaged Tooth

Bacteria can enter the inner pulp of a fractured or severely broken tooth, causing infection and pain. Consult your dentist if you have noticed damage to a tooth. To address the problem before it worsens, a root canal may be indicated.

While the idea of a root canal can make some individuals nervous, it is an important and often required treatment for saving a tooth and relieving unbearable pain. These seven symptoms may indicate that you require a root canal.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your dentist immediately to address the problem and avoid further dental issues. Root canal therapy in Sundance is significantly less painful than its reputation indicates, and it is a key component in maintaining your oral health.

Visit Comfort Family Dental to Preserve Your Oral Health! 

At our local dental office, we value your oral health and overall well-being significantly. Our experienced team is committed to giving you quality dental care in a comfortable and relaxing setting. We offer everything from simple cleanings and checkups to more involved procedures like cosmetic surgery and root canals. Modern facilities with state-of-the-art equipment are designed to make your treatment as comfortable and effective as possible.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

